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The fire sign Sagittarius is known to be full of power and light, highly creative, and even more energetic. These born leaders are charismatic and courageous. That said, Sags aren’t all ego, but they definitely have strong ones.

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Sagittarius are no stay-at-home, travel-loving and adventurous people. Their mind is very active and craves for new experiences.

While talking about a best gift for these, they will love anything that evokes their wanderlust or encourages their party-loving personality – like an unexpected travel guides, stylish suitcases, attention-grabbing (but comfortable) clothing, and decor that display their favorite travel memories with friends.

This is just one of the many things they would like. So in this post, we have listed some great gift ideas that your Sagittarius will adore! These are not regular gifts that many people will give them and that is why these are special. Let’s have a look at what they are:

1. An experience

One thing that I have and will always suggest is ‘experience as a gift’. Materialistic things do have their own share in making the receiver happy but not as much as the joy they receive from the experience. If I am getting a little confusing, let’s make it easy for you. If swimming with the Sharks has been on top of your Sags bucket list, how do you think will s/he react if you give him/her a ticket to the Cat Islands in the Bahamas as a thanksgiving gift? Yes, that would be the best gift ever! It is a feeling that a hungry man gets when he receives food. I can say this because I have had similar experience. Believe me, they will never forget your this gift in their life-time.

2. A considered book

Now what can be this? Have you ever heard of a considered book? Well, it is not as confusing as the name suggests but rather simple to understand. You should first learn the taste of the receiver. Giving random books or books of your choice will not help make a great gift for the receiver. Sometimes, it is better to understand what they want! Something adventurous and thrilling can be the genre of your daredevil Sag. If they book is relevant to what they have been reading, or if s/he can relate to story in the book, it would be more appreciated.

3. A membership

Everyone has an interest in something or the other. It is just that everytime things doesn’t set right and we end with a failure in pursuing our interest. I can remember how much I wanted to take a salsa class but couldn’t help out with my time at office. At last, I did not attend the class. Had I got a gift voucher for a membership of the class, I would ultimately manage some time and enjoy my freebie. This might be the case with your beloved Sagittarians, as well. Can be a membership for gym, instead of the salsa class. They will love to receive something similar that will match their interest. And when it is a gift or a freebie, everyone loves it.

4. A spa date

This can make a real nice gift – an appointment to a spa. Anybody would like to spend a day at spa getting pampered and relaxing their mind and body. A perfect and personalized gift to make them feel wonderful.

5. A life changing gift

A charity made in their name. How wonderful is that? I will definitely feel special if someone does that to me! And I am sure everyone will. This will definitely be a huge surprise to them. They may have never thought of anything like that before. It can be life-changing game at times, so rather select something that the person can relate-to while choosing these kind of gifts.

6. A video gift

A video gift is equally exciting. An enclosure of good wishes from people who they have been missing since long or someone who they really want to see soon will bring smiles to their face, sometimes accompanied with tears. Another type of video can be one that includes your memories with them. It can surely lighten up the moment and help them cherish the memories once again.

Create a video gift with Picovico

7. A box of surprise

What would your reaction be when you receive a box with multiple items in it and every single thing in that box totally reflects the kind of person you are? For instance, if you mostly crack a banana joke, and you receive a basket full of banana, a t-shirt printed ‘I love banana’, a banana keyring, banana chips, banana usb cover and what-so-ever banana, you’d always remember the gifts and the gift giver, won’t you? These kind of gifts are basically for a close friend or family member, who can take these joke. The receiver will always remember you with a giggle or burst of laughter.

Memories do not happen by chance, they are created! Create your very own memory with these special gifts for your fun loving Sagittarius for any occasions (including their upcoming birthday) and don’t forget to share the experience with us in the comment section below!

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