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2016 is coming to an end. Some of the reactions would be FINALLY!! While others will look worried at the passing of another year without having done anything. It’s definitely been one crazy year.

From the passing of David Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman to terrorist attacks in Brussels, Nice, and other tragic events involving the death of an entire football team. To sum it up, 2016 was tragic, there’s no denying that.

You can see memes all over internet saying we should forget about 2016 and all that. But was that all there’s to it? Sure there were tragic, even horrific, moments throughout the year, but there were definitely moments worth remembering a lifetime. Tragedies happen, and that’s just the way of life, but if we decide to look back at the pleasant memories of this year, I think we can all feel little hopeful and save memories worth a lifetime.

Looking back at my year, it was crazy. Ups and downs like everyone else. But one most memorable thing that happened this year was I had Appendicitis Peritonitis (I know, even sounds scary). Not that big of a deal in this modern world with best of health facilities, but I went to hospital too late and the doctor told me that it was a miracle how my appendix hadn’t exploded yet. And had that happened, I probably wouldn’t have been able to write this blog, or any blog, ever.

It cost a lot of money and I ended up bedridden for almost 2 months.

But, I am not going to give up on life betting on uncertainties. The way i see it, 2016 is also the year I finally decided to quit smoking. The year I made my family little happier than before. And there are plenty of other moments that have made me smile until my jaws hurt.

And it’s not just me. The world saw its fair share of happiness too. Being a football fan, it was ecstatic to witness (probably) the greatest miracle in the football world. For those of you who don’t speak football, Leicester city (a club in England) went on to win the English premier league beating the odds of 5000 to 1.

Leicester city was less likely to win the league than the lochness monster being discovered, or Simon Cowell being appointed the new England president.

And, even Kim K winning US presidency only had the odds of 2000/1. Although, something equally unbelievable did happen.

But, my point is , miracles did happen. Odds were beaten. At one point or another, we all had little more hope and love this year.

And we have plenty of photos and videos to look back at them. Here’s a simple video we created with Picovico, highlighting the best memories of 2016.

How was your 2016? Did you cry and smile a little, like the rest of us? I am sure you have plenty of photos of this past year.

Why not highlight your best 2016 moments in a single video with Picovico?

Here’s how you can create a photo video using Picovico.

Do share your video with us on our Facebook and Twitter.

create your 2016 moments video now!

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