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Dating a person is fun and so is receiving gifts from them. But isn’t quite a bit of stressful when you are the one picking out gifts for your boyfriend or girlfriend.

If picking gifts for random events are difficult, then we are well aware of how difficult it would be for you to pick out a birthday gift. You want nothing short of something they love, is perfect and uniquely your own. This gift isn’t something you will find in any store let alone a gift shop. Nothing as perfect and unique as showering your boyfriend or girlfriend with a gift of memories. Your memories are yours alone and, they show you are mindful and remember the small incidents that make your relationship as special as it is.

You will want to encase those photos in a good style that carries your love forward.

Picovico has many style/theme cards up its sleeve that will be perfect to compliment yours and your lover’s memories. We have listed them for you so that all you have to do is pick and start making birthday videos for your lover.

  • Splendor

    You can trace the glimpses of your love and togetherness with your lover on their birthday with this splendid and gracious style. Let the little bubbles and the hearts escort your lover down your relationship’s memory lane.

    Make a bigger splash in his/her heart as your pictures do in the video style Spendor.

  • Soulmate

    There’s nothing better on this earth than a soul that you can connect with and Soulmate is a style designed specifically to connect lovers near or far. It is a versatile style that can be used by lovers to mark any and every kind of milestone in their life. And it fits perfectly to make a video to commemorate your boyfriend/girlfriend’s birthday.

    Share with them the sweetness they deserve with our style Soulmate.

  • Valentine’s Day

    To all the people who love being in love and being loved. Valentine’s Day is just the style for you.
    Celebrate your better half’s birthday drenched in the love spell with this style. Its all about love, being loved, your someone special and the celebration of your romance. Let your lover’s birthday gift be covered in the comfort and warmth of your love with this style.

  • Nuptial Bliss

    Nothing can beat showcasing your memory lane in beautiful canvas and Nuptial Bliss is just the style for that. Let the splashes unfold your pictures of you and your boyfriend/girlfriend like the love did between the two of your on their birthday.
    Nuptial Bliss is a special style that detects yours and your lover’s face and creates just enough splashes to make it about the two of your or the birthday boy/girl. So, choose the style if you wish to make it solely about the people and not the background.

  • Just Married

    Just Married was made solely for the couples. All your big and small moments deserve an even prettier frame. Repaint the beautiful visuals of your happy moments with our style Just Married.
    Let the splash clear up to reveal your photo and memories. Create a loving gift for your lover in this romantic style on their birthday.  

Here is a list of styles we think will couple amazingly with your pictures to make your boyfriend’s/ girlfriend’s birthday the best of a lifetime. We hope to see how you will use this style on your lover’s birthday video.

Do link on this link if you want video ideas for your boyfriend and on this link if you want some birthday video ideas for your girlfriend.

Remind us if we have missed any style that would make a perfect style for your lover’s birthday video in the comments.

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