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As a photographer, regardless of your particular photography niche, you need a portfolio. It is the key to share your success story and attract more customers. Portfolios that simply portray collection of photographs are quite common and boring. Your portfolio should be strong, concise and impressive that is able to communicate and bind your audiences in an emotional way. One way to ensure these qualities in your portfolio is by using slideshow videos.

photography slideshows

Slideshow videos add an extra spice to your portfolio that will emphasize your talent, show off who you really are and communicate to your customers precisely what you are capable of. This is important because in photography, just like any other creative industry, clients are more interested in seeing what you can do as opposed to just hearing about it.

Now, if you think slideshow videos are difficult and time consuming to create, then here we introduce a tool that is not only easy to use but also creates slideshow videos at less time (within minutes) – Picovico. Picovico is an online slideshow video maker that converts your beautiful static images into slideshow videos with descriptive text slides and suitable music of your choice.

You can also read our previous blog post on why photographers should use Picovico.

Below mentioned are few reasons why you should use slideshow videos to make your portfolio more appealing.

  • Slideshow videos have the capability to leverage

    When you create a portfolio slideshow video of your work and upload it on your website and sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, the slideshow video will do most of your heavy lifting for you in terms of marketing of your services. Most people search for photography services online and when they land into your slideshow video of your work, they are more likely to look for you as compared to when they just read about your services. Using a slideshow video also makes it possible for people to review your work in a more clear way. This makes it easy for them to judge your abilities.

  • Slideshow videos gain attention of your audiences

    Without the ability to grab the attention of your audience, no matter how great your services are no one will listen to you. Slideshow videos are attractive and give precise information on your capabilities. People are more attracted to motion pictures than static images and with a meaningful video portfolio, you are giving yourself an edge over your competitors.

  • Slideshow videos convey your message faster

    A slideshow video of some of your best work will let your potential clients know your abilities faster than words and plain pictures. This is one of the top reasons why you should invest in a high quality slideshow video for your portfolio. A short slide video will tell your audiences the kind of photography you can do, your experience and your exposure in the field in a few minutes. Thus, you will be able to pass your message in the shortest time as compared to the use of word of mouth or other media such as blogs.

The key to making a great slideshow video portfolio as a photographer is to make it short, informative and shareable. Choose your best work and combine them into a slideshow video using Picovico.
Are you ready to create your first portfolio slideshow video?

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