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real estate video marketing

Real estate relies heavily on visual content.  Visual content help buyers find meaning. Buyers have moved past still images to gain perspective on the virtues of a home. People see the home as well as get the feel and the perspective through real estate videos. This benefits the agents along with the buyers. Real estate video marketing conveys the information rather quickly and effortlessly.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) research provides the most relevant statistics on the benefits of videos for real estate marketing : 73% of sellers would choose a real estate agent who could market their property with video, but less than 5% of agents actually do it.

real estate video marketing

Benefit of real estate video marketing:

  • In real estate marketing, trust is the number one factor. Persuading people involves gaining their trust and proving one’s worth. These factors are more compellingly necessary to a real estate agent. Videos are used not only to portray the home & property listings but also the agent’s skill set and accomplishments.
  • Buyers and sellers equally look for agents who prove their worth. While pictures can help show your skills and worth; videos accelerate the process. Videos come in handy from obtaining a listing to drawing buyers for the listing.

Types of video marketing for realtors:

Home Walk-throughs:

When thinking of real estate videos, we automatically think of home walk-through videos. These videos leave visitors with a feeling of being in the home, a feel & personality of the property. These videos can always be created by hiring professionals. Opt for self-generated video with a quality video camera, video editor and time if you have editing skills.

Slideshow videos:

While home walk-throughs give the feel of being in a home, it usually is a very long video and requires video editing skills. Real estate slideshows, on the other hand, are shorter to watch, easier to create. Just grab a set of photos, add some music to it and create a video with tools such as Picovico – an online slideshow maker. Watch out the sample video below:

Animated videos:

Animated videos are also coming into play now. Real estate agents are putting up animated videos utilizing statistics, infographics and catchy figure. Creating an animated video requires decent video editing & animation skills or getting it done with an animation company.  

Videos have been important ever since its invention, but its importance has been heightened now that people’s attention span is less than that of a goldfish. Videos play a huge role in every company from its brand awareness to increased engagement and sales. Videos are the most defining trend of digital marketing & the future of content marketing. So, don’t forget to use the power of videos next time you post any content online.

Happy video making!


1 Comment

  • jeff thomson
    Posted May 22, 2017 5:07 am 0Likes

    Online video marketing is a best way for real state marketing we can assume the structure of the full house even before its construction

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