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Video marketing has been the name of the game in the recent years. Why, you ask?

For one thing, videos are attractive. People don’t like straining their eyes reading 500 words about how amazing your brand is. People want simplicity.

video for better sales & conversion

Slideshow Video is the definition of simplicity. But, we will get to that.

Say less and give more has always been the golden rule of marketing. And with videos, you can do exactly that.

Video marketing has revolutionized the world of content marketing. The world has been so easy in terms of technology, you might actually frighten your potential clients with a wall of text, regardless of how detailed and valuable the information is. And, a single picture of your product just won’t cut it.

In today’s world of low-attention span and multi-tasking, taking video marketing as an afterthought and optional marketing strategy is only going to slow you down.

Let’s talk numbers:

  • According to Comscore, the chances of your business making a front page in the google search is amplified by whopping 53 times if you have a video. Videos now appear in 70% of the top 100 search results listings.
  • Youtube is currently the second most used search engine in the world wide web. And, we don’t have to tell you how rich the platform is, holding all kinds of business information videos and advertisements.
  • Research has shown that 65% of viewers watch more than ¾ of a video, and the same cannot be said about texts, or any other forms of content marketing for that matter.
  • According to a research conducted by Eyeview, video ads are not just highly favored over traditional advertising methods, but the chances of viewers recommending any brand with a video ad is at 73%.
  • Also, viewers are more likely to purchase any product with video ad by 64 – 85%. (Hubspot)
  • According to Hubspot, enjoyment of video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%. Hubspot has also reported that having a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • Real estate listings that include a video receive 403% more inquiries than those without. So, you know what to do if you’re a realtor, or aspiring to be one.

All these numbers are only imply to:

Videos attract more customers than any other forms of marketing.

Why Video-Marketing?

You might not receive an overnight turnover and it’s okay, cause videos stick.

Try to remember the article you read 5 years ago, and the Coca-Cola ad you saw 5 years ago. You’ll probably remember the latter more easily.

People are remarkably choosy and because the competition is so stiff in every business, they need more than your website or photos of your CEO to trust you.

Information has always been the key in building long term clientele. The client that knows what you can offer is bound to stick around, but they are still not going to stick around to read 1000 words about your product.

The solution?

Visual attraction.

Slideshow video making is rapidly growing as a successful marketing tactic that allows you to offer valuable intel with few interesting slides.

Consider an example of a teacher teaching in a class by writing on a blackboard with a chalk, and a teacher using presentation slides through a projector. The latter would definitely be more appealing and easier to understand.

Also, another pro of video marketing is that people are more willing to share the videos compared to any other forms of content.

In short:

If you want to sell your product or service, make a video and you have already upped your game in the business. You have higher chances of selling your product now than with the traditional forms of advertisements.

Okay! It might not exactly be fair to call everything else “Traditional”, but video sells, and that’s that.

However, not everyone can afford to make video ads as attractive as in Super-Bowl.

You might be a photographer trying to get more clients, or a realtor trying to sell houses. Or, you might be a startup venturing into the great sea of competition, you will definitely boost your business with a video.

But, let’s get real, you probably cannot afford to hire a videographer, a designer, sound guy, and all the other technical people required to create a video.

And that’s okay, because people don’t exactly care about how much money you have spent on making the video.

And, simply doing it with your phone isn’t enough, you need to do it right.

So, The Alternative?

Slideshow videos.

Basically, the concept of slideshow videos is to create a video with your pictures, your texts, and putting in suitable music to take care of the awkward silence.

If you have heard the expression, a picture speaks a thousand words, then just know that slideshow videos are the absolute bests when it comes to talking about your company, service, or product. They have quite an edge over making video clips too. 

If you are not a tech-savvy and the whole concept of making low budget slideshow videos still sound complicated to you, we have just the solution: Picovico.

Picovico is one of the best video-making tools on the web. And, the reasons to choose picovico over everyone else?Making slideshow videos with Picovico is cost effective, saves time, and it’s easy.

Following the below given 4 steps of Picovico, your slideshow video is ready within minutes:

  1. Select style
  2. Add Photos
  3. Select Music
  4. Personalize

Yes, it’s that easy. 

1 Comment

  • Kristen
    Posted August 30, 2016 2:09 am 0Likes

    I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Well written!

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