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Tag: online video maker


The new Picovico coming soon with Exciting new Features

Did Christmas come in May this year? Well, sorta! Cause you’re in for a treat. Excuse our sorry attempt at humor, we’re all just so excited for our new launch. That’s right people, Picovico is coming out completely revamped, with exciting new features, bigger and better than ever. We, at Picovico, have always put our users first, and this massive change in our application is all part of the plan…

Why video is a must on the landing page of your website

Why Video is a must on the Landing Page of your Website?

As soon as people land on your page, they want to know who you are and what your website is all about? And they have a remarkably short attention span for it. 8 seconds to be precise. So as soon as someone has landed on your website, you have these few seconds to get your audience hooked and browsing into your website. And if you can do that with, say…

Top Birthday Gift Ideas for Taurus Men

Top 5 Unique Gift Ideas for Taurus Men

Taurus is the second zodiac sign and comes with its own unique characteristics. Taurus men are found to be organized and ambitious. At the same time their earth sign keeps them grounded. They are passionate beings who love physical comforts and they often know what they want. Does the Taurus man in your life show these characteristics? Knowing them certainly helps to pick out best gifts, doesn’t it? Here are…

Turn your Old Photos into Digital Video

Preserve your Old Family Photos: Digitize and Create a Video!

Picovico has been successfully providing its services to thousands of users worldwide, and with thanksgiving just around the corner, we would like to thank each and every one of you. One of the largest queries we receive is regarding “How to scan and digitize old family photos?”. So, we thought, what could be a better way to answer this query than writing a complete blog listing all the possible solutions.…

caption your videos

5 Reasons Why You can’t Afford Not to Caption Your Videos

Are you making videos to advertise your business? Are you making personal videos? Are you getting the results you want? Do they convey your message as you want them to? A single solution for all these questions is: Putting Captions on your videos. Whether you’re making slideshow videos or any other kind of videos, you simply cannot afford not to caption them. Here’s why. #1 Autoplay Feature in Facebook, Instagram…

photography tips

Celebrate Passion for World Photo Day on 19th August [7 Quick Photography Tips for Best Photos]

Did you know more than a million photos are uploaded on the internet every minute? You can just imagine the amount of photos captured, or maybe you can’t, the number is enormous. Photography is all about capturing the moments to be reminisced in some distant future. And, that’s the whole point of it. It doesn’t really matter if you’re not a pro photographer. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t…