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Boost your Photography Business on Social Media

Are you not getting noticed as much as you would like on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media profiles?

In our previous blog Boost your photography business with Video Marketing, we talked about what sort of contents you should publish from your photography profiles in order to boost your photography page and website. Today, we are going to talk about various ways you can boost your photography business.

Before we start talking about the points, let’s just get this clear that in today’s day and age, boosting any business is directly influenced by the reach you have on social media.

Consistent Tone of Posts

Determining your niche is most important as a photographer. While you might be passionate about various different kinds of photography. It’s a must that you pick out a certain niche and post accordingly. For instance, if your main focus is wedding photography, make sure you only post wedding photographies. This increases dedicated followers.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is the consistency of the tone of your posts. Whether you are posting photos or videos, go with your original tone. This will let your followers know what to expect from you and engage with you better.

Take Advantage of Every Tool in your Arsenal (Curate your posts accordingly)

There are massive number of social media profiles, and countless features within them. You have to make sure that you master the use of every one of them.

You will need to curate your posts to properly fit your social media profile. For instance, same posts might not fare well in both instagram and Facebook. Likewise, you will need quirkier shorter clips for your snapchat stories.

While Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are definitely the most popular social media profiles, you might want to get involved other platforms such as Pinterest and Flickr to showcase your work.

Audience Engagement

Engaging with your audience is as important as clicking amazing posts and using the right keywords to boost your posts. All the money you spent on digital marketing can only do so much if you aren’t engaging with your audience. Answer your followers’ every question, and just interact with them. Make them feel home and you are sure to have dedicated followers coming back to see what you’re up to time and again.

Contents (Native Videos)

Your posts need to be different from the rest of the crowd. In our last blog we talked about how slideshow videos could be substantially beneficial in boosting your photography business since video is the most watched and searched content on the Internet today.

Again, you must create different videos for different platforms. Short video clips generally fare better in instagram, while you could post your whole life story in Facebook.

Also, make sure that you post the video directly onto the platform instead of linking it across platforms or from different sites like Youtube, vimeo etc.

Regular and Unique Posts

Coming back to the basics, make sure you post regularly, and by regularly we mean as often as possible, but not so often that your followers do not want to engage on every one of them. Posting unique posts regularly mean that your followers have something to like, comment and share.

Here’s a  sample video of a photographer demonstrating his new work-space through a video. Contents like this are unique and sure to keep your audience engaging.

Get Mobile

Most social media users are on mobile and that’s certainly one platform you should be targeting while making your posts. In fact, you can build a habit of using your mobile to post and interact with your audiences. This will allow you to engage with your audiences on the go, regularly upload stories on Instagram, Snapchat and also capitalize on Facebook Live.

Using Picovico for best Results

You will definitely start to see the results if you follow aforementioned tips. You can also compile the posts that have gotten maximum number of likes at the end of the week to create a single video.

As of right now, you are only allowed to include images to create slideshow videos. However, (letting you in on a secret) you will soon be able to add video clips, along with photos, into Picovico workspace to create a single video. Shushh!! You heard it here first.

How far have you come with your photography pages on social media? Are there any other tips that you have been following to get the results? Help fellow photographers like yourself and our readers by letting us know in the comments below.

create your video now!

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