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Video Marketing

Videos have been helping people find meaning since the time it was invented; way back in 1950s. Now in this era of social media, people have moved past reading articles and looking at still images. There is a lot of information in the internet that people browse through every day. People however do not have the desire or the time to read all the content, and would rather opt for a video.

Brands are nowadays competing to gain the attention of people as opposed to before when it was for physical space. They now need to adopt different tools that will provide them the edge and the power to gain customer attention, both of which are possessed by video.

The most defining trend of the digital industry has been the rapid growth of video consumption. This trend is set to continue in 2016 and beyond. In response, both B2C and B2B businesses are addressing videos as their leading online marketing strategies.

Online videos are now the elementary medium through which people satisfy their information and entertainment desires. 55% of people watch videos every day. According to Forbes, more than 80% of surveyed senior executives watch more online video today than they did a year ago. A study by Cisco predicts that consumer internet video traffic will go up to 80 percent and consumer video on demand traffic doubling by 2019. Know where most of the videos will be viewed here.

video marketing is effective for brand awareness.

Now if you are asking what are videos best used for? 52% marketers believe that video marketing is effective for brand awareness. But videos do not only increase the brand presence, it also initiates engagement and drives results. It increases lead generation by 45% and online engagement by 42%. The email with the word “video”in its subject line increases open rates by 19%, boosts click-through-rate by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. Video has also been named the content with the highest ROI by 52% of marketers.

With all these video stats, it’s pretty clear how essential video is for any kind of businesses. However, making video has always remained the most challenging part. That is why, to make the video creation go in a few clicks, Picovico has been introduced. Picovico is a beginner’s go to slideshow maker that crafts your video within minutes. It enables you to create videos in its four signature steps:
1. Select the Style
2. Add photos/text
3. Add music
4. Create Slideshow video.

People love being online and connected to social media. In this time, they are browsing internet, sharing pictures and videos, liking and commenting on posts. Businesses that aren’t creating videos that serve their customers [through explanatory videos, product/service update videos, demo videos, and more] are at a serious disadvantage. Businesses need to up their video ‘game’ and include videos as a leading marketing strategy.

Start your video marketing campaign right away with Picovico!



  • Dia Jones
    Posted March 30, 2016 6:01 am 0Likes

    Thanks, Picovico for this insightful blog post. It has helped me with my homework on using video marketing campaign.

    • admin
      Posted March 30, 2016 11:08 am 0Likes

      Good to know it helped for your assignment 🙂

  • Nirmal Aryal
    Posted March 30, 2016 7:53 am 0Likes

    How can it helps for the new starting business? Does video marketing is only for existing or already established business?

    • admin
      Posted March 30, 2016 11:07 am 0Likes

      Hey Nirmal,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Well, to start with, video marketing is not limited to existing or well established businesses only. It’s also equally beneficial for the startup businesses who are trying to seek and maintain online presence. Videos are more likely to be viewed and shared. People prefer watching videos over reading texts and stats show 64% people are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. Interesting, isn’t it?

      But making videos have always been a challenging part for businesses. That is why we have a tool, Picovico – the online slideshow video maker which will help to create musical slideshow videos from your images. You can try making the one here.

      Hope this helps 🙂

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