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You know the most unimaginative thing on Facebook in this modern world? Posting Happy Birthday on someone’s Facebook wall.

It’s a birth anniversary of your friend, and people (not you, People!) can’t even come up with single witty sentence or other ways to say happy birthday? Well, not anymore.

Do you believe we should all aspire to change the world in our own ways? This is my teeny-tiny effort to do just that.

Now, getting to the point, there are lots of different ways to wish happy birthday to a friend on Facebook. And let me just say it right now, literally, anything is better than the plain “Happy Birthday”. No wait! Actually, shorter versions such as “happy bday, HBD” are even worse.

Moving on!

Now, the effort you’re willing to put-in will directly depend on the closeness of your relationship. And that’s totally acceptable. While some friendships can be pleased with one witty line, others will require bit more effort than that.

So, here are some birthday wish ideas to choose from.

Birthday Wish with Photos

This is currently the most popular trend on Facebook. Those who want to show that they care, make an effort to find photos from the past and post it on birthday person’s wall. You can then caption the photo reminiscing the past, or you can think of some other message for your friend. Just don’t forget to write Happy Birthday at the end.

Birthday Wish with Personal Message

Friends move away but friendship still lasts, and we all have few of our close friends in distant lands. Best way to wish them a quick happy birthday on Facebook is to write a heartfelt message letting them know how special they are. You can dig up some inside jokes from the past, or just make a detailed wish for the life they long for.

Caution: Do not, any circumstance, use cliches.

Birthday Wish with Poems/Song-Remix

Poetry seems to be coming back now, as more and more people are engaged in this art form. You can write a poem for the birthday person, but if that’s not your forte, you can borrow lyrics of songs and remix them to make them best fitting for your friend. Remember, it’s not some talent show that requires originality. It’s the gesture that counts.

An example of how to do it is:

There are plenty of songs with girls’ names right. So, just pick out the one that you think makes most sense for your friend. Replace that name with your friend’s name, and you’re already making great progress.
Note: Might only work if birthday person is female.

Birthday Wish with Videos

This is, by far, the most unique and creative way to make a birthday wish I can think of. Luckily, it hasn’t started trending all over social media yet, which it will soon. So, you’ll still be among the precious few to wish your friends with birthday videos.

I don’t just mean recording a video singing happy birthday. While that is still something you can do, I would suggest something more meaningful. Videos with a story-line are always entertaining and memorable to watch. You could make birthday videos about timeline of the person’s life, or you could highlight some particular aspect of the individual’s life with a thoughtful message at the end.

For more ideas: 9 Tips for Birthday Slideshow Videos

Check out this birthday video we prepared on the occasion of Leonardo DiCaprio’s birthday.

Also, here’s a birthday video we created on Obama’s birthday. This video features Obama’s life about how he grew over the years.

We literally created these videos within matter of minutes, and we may not be the most creative of beings. You can do much better.

Here’s a quick guide to How to create a birthday video with Picovico?

We’ve got more ideas on making Facebook Birthday Video.

Do you feel ready yet? Just log in to Picovico, and get started on the video making journey. Trust me you’ll feel more accomplished and you’ll have a happier friend (who probably cried little seeing your efforts).

Create a Birthday Video Now

Was this page helpful to you? Let us know in the comments below. Also, share the videos you made with us. We would be happy to feature your video on your Facebook and Twitter page.

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